Blog Archives

Lovely Little Things

Lovely Little Things   ❀  Jun 15, 2022

In her newsletter, my friend Jenny mentioned the platitude, “look to the small.” I get most of my meaning out of…

#016 Can We Adapt to Technology Before it’s Too Late?

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  Jun 14, 2022

I became an adult before the year 2000. We used to regard that year as the dividing line between the…

#015 Every Aspect of My Life Is A #core For Easy Online Consumption

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  May 19, 2022

I don’t eat anymore, I practice #foodcore. I don’t take showers, it’s #waterfallacademia. When I go to the bathroom, it’s…

I Just Need to Feel Normal

Lovely Little Things   ❀  May 18, 2022

I just realized recently that as long as I feel like my struggles are the same struggles as everyone else’s,…

#014 How to Feel Less Drained as an Introvert

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  May 12, 2022

When I was a kid, I was so quiet that people regularly mistook me for deaf, mute, or a non-English…

#013 Is Facing Our Fear the Only Path to Bravery?

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  May 5, 2022

One time I was backpacking in the Canadian wilderness, and I saw a pile of fresh bear dung in the…

#012 How I Cope with Slow (or Nonexistent) Newsletter Growth

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  Apr 28, 2022

If trying too hard were a place, then that’s where you’d find me. I try so hard that I often…

#011 The End of the Road (Travel – End)

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  Apr 14, 2022

I’m concluding my series on travel and relocation this week. I wanted to better understand the human drive to both…

#010 What Does it Mean to Stay Home? (Travel – 4)

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  Apr 7, 2022

So far in this series on travel and relocation, I’ve written about the advantages of leaving home, such as reinvention, learning about…

#009 When People Think They Know Who You Are (Travel – 3)

The Intentional Hulk   ❀  Mar 31, 2022

Dear Readers, As soon as I started this series on how travel and relocation add meaning to our lives, I…